Malcom Technical Support
ICOM and Kenwood Repairs
MTS ICOM Amateur Radio Repair
Malcom Technical Support
Radio / Electronics Repair
(not a warranty service center)
After 40 years of servicing ICOM equipment, it is time for me to retire, well semi-retire. I just need more time for different things I would like to do.
For those who I have serviced their radio's before, I can still help. I may not be as fast with my email replies, or my turn time. It will largely depend on what adventure I may be on. This is all new to me, and after 40 years of working on ICOM's I kinda doubt I can quit cold turkey.
I appreciate the trust and acceptance for so many Amateur Radio owners to allow me to service their radio's over the years,
Thank you.
I have changed emails and have a new contacts page. If I have serviced your radio's before, please use the contacts page to get in touch with me. I am not accepting any new customers.
I primarily service ICOM communications equipment Old or New. I also service 1988 and newer Kenwood HF/VHF/UHF, when workloads permit (usually in the winter)
AF to 1300Mhz, Base stations, mobiles, handhelds and repeaters
I have been working on ICOM equipment since 1981 and worked for ICOM America for 10 years,(1981 & 1990)
I can answer most questions on the older gear (Pre 1996), models after 1996 have allot of bells, whistles and sub menu's. Just send me a Email, responses are usually 24 hours or less.
No pre-authorization is required, just a with a description (a letter/note or the service form with the radio is very important, (repairs will be delayed without it), and a contact method. Please be sure to include at least contact info with the radio. If the radio is received without information (it happens allot) it will delay the servicing of your radio. DO NOT SEND A MIC, MANUAL, Power Cord or Other Accy's with the radio. I don't have records/logs of phone or email conversations. (I just have too many each day), Here are optional Work request Form(s) in
The current shop rate is $60/hr, (no minimums) + Parts & shipping. No charge for "head Scratching" time. I still provide free estimates, just return shipping if declined.
I have a Updates and Questions page in the works.
Payments: When repairs are complete I will send a email with payment options. If you do not have email, I will send a letter. Paypal is accepted. You don't have to have a Paypal account, I can "Paypal" (email) you an invoice to pay with a card. I also cannot process Credit card info "in house". Please do not send any card info to me. I also will accept a check or MO. Checks do take 7 days to "positively" clear, before I can ship the radio.
Shipping: I use UPS (daily pickup) for return shipping for bigger boxes (base stations) and prefer to use Priority Mail for smaller boxes (HT's & mobiles). I watch the costs. USPS insurance is very expensive, so more expensive units usually go UPS. All major services deliver here. If you want a different service for the return shipping, I can usually do that. I return factory boxes and will reuse your box if requested, if it is still serviceable. I insure boxes for replacement value, in case it gets lost. The closest FedEx drop off point (return shipping) is 20 miles away. FedEx normally charges a $20 (one time) pick up fee. Due to the rural area I am in, there is also usually a 3~4 day wait for a pickup service.
I return with the radio a service work order, if via UPS, it is on the back side of the label on the outside of the box, if by Priority Mail, it normally will be in with the radio.
IK2RND ROM unit, RAM unit replacement. Models R71, 271, 471, 1271, 745, 751(A/E)
I have the IK2RND ROM unit available for $61.90, plus $5 insured US zip code shipping. I can ship to European and some Asian countries also.
Just send me an email with which model ICOM the ROM is to be installed into and where I would be shipping it to (for a quote if desired).
I accept Paypal, Check (needs to clear), certified bank check (no hold for clear) or Money Order.
I have these posted on Ebid, or if you have my contact info, you can contact me directly.
I have designed a TCXO for some of the ICOM CR* based radio's, this does not include the SDR (7000 and newer) radio's as they use a different reference scheme. mostly the CR64, CR282, CR338, I also developed a version for the IC745. (time bases 30, 30.2, 30.72, 32) the 706's tend to be a tight fit.
I also added an optional 1PPS reference input. The basic TCXO I am selling for $95 and the 1PPS option $45, plus shipping.
As it has been pointed out, I need to include an email address for orders, which is mts@toledotel.com, I am not taking on new customers for repairs, nor do I provide CSR services for non MTS customers.
My Ebid page.
Be advised UPS and FedEx are increasing their rates. More importantly ALL PACKAGES WILL BE CLASSIFIED AS DIMENSIONAL WEIGHT. This means if you use a big box for a small, light item, you will pay the shipping costs as a big (heavy) box. USPS may end up being a better service, more so for smaller packages. Do remember to allow at least a couple of inches of packaging around the radio. Example, a 735 will fit in a Large Flat Rate box, but there will be little to no packaging material, the radio has a very good chance of arriving damaged. Improperly packaged items will void any insurance you purchase, from any shipping service. Also putting fragile stickers on the box, is inviting the box to be thrown, as shippers require you to pack it properly for the item enclosed.
Shop turn time is currently "about" running 14 days. As I understand it, ICOM has dropped all service support for older models, I believe this is part of the reason why I have been so busy. I am making adjustments to hopefully get back on track. This is from when the radio arrives at the shop. (The turn time is an estimate, I operate on a first in, first worked on basis) I stamp the box with the date it was delivered. Because I don't open the boxes (other than if shipping damage is suspected) I don't know when an individual box may arrive, keep your tracking number. I can manually look for the box, it helps to know the shipping method and dated shipped on inquiries. Intermittent problem radio's, who knows, these radio's are temperamental. Older gear, i.e. 701's, 211's, 245's and 720A's, TS440, will take longer due to the intermittent nature of their problems.
Ebay, May 2021, For those of you who want or do sell on Ebay, be careful, Ebay changed there financials to Managed Payments. Ebay is taking control of the money flow. When a buyer pays you, Ebay will release the funds up to 7 days after "Ebay" receives it, Ebay still wants you to ship within 24 hours, but it is your option to delay shipping until you receive funds, BUT!! say so in your shipping terms or Ebay will punish you. Also Ebay fees went up and are going up more, they will tell you you pay less, which is true (.5%) if you sell allot or sell high $$ items. The deal breaker for me was Ebay wanted my SSN, Back Account and other very personal info. Ebay has had several hacks over the years and this, In my opinion, is very risky. Keep in mind Ebay was never started as a financial institution, just a market place using other financial means. Time will tell if Ebay is up to the challenge.
Consider Ebid as an alternative. There are also other sites, but of course, nothing is as big as Ebay, at least for now.
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